2021, Woven Art Centre d’art actuel

Le Sabir était un langage véhiculaire parlé autour de la Méditerranée il y a des siècles. C’était un moyen pour les peuples de communiquer, un bien commun, témoin d’une compréhension et d’une cohésion entre des cultures différentes.

De ce souvenir est né « SOS Sabir ».

Œuvres Exposées

Pour moi, l’amphore est l’emblème de cet esprit de tolérance et de respect aujourd’hui oublié. Dans mes œuvres elle prend forme grâce à des centaines de coiffes de bouteilles de vin cousues entre elles. Les lignes de couture sillonnent comme les routes de navigation qui reliaient les peuples de la Méditerranée et d’Afrique.

Mon travail milite en faveur du libre mouvement des personnes d’une région à une autre, de l’échange de diverses cultures pour une meilleure et plus forte humanité.

Les Misérables

Les Misérables

2019, La Cave de l'Ours, MeyrarguesIn his work Les Misérables, Hugo speaks of finding light in the darkness in myriad symbolisms. I imagine his light in the darkness in ink on paper. Cristina García Ohrich speaks about this imagery. Aitor Araúz translates her to...

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Calamaronna, 2020

Calamaronna, 2020

2020, spotted at La Roque d'Anthéron, France during the confinement periodMixed media. Collagraph printmaking on polyurethene cereal bags that pollute the ocean, used materials found on-site and in the sea. Calamaronna : length 4 m x width 80 cm Calamarcita : length 2...

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Tubman’s 20/20

Tubman’s 20/20

(Harriet Tubman’s $20 bill)

Bradbury Art Museum, Jonesburo 2020

Installation consisting of one double-sided bill and a wad of 36 small bills. Technique: Intaglio and dry-point etching on 11 plates: steel, copper and acetate. Sugar lift, hard and soft ground, printed on Zerkall Artrag 300 gr. Limited edition of four installations.

Dimensions: height 42 ½” x width 19 ¼” (108 cm x 49 cm)
Small bills cut from large print: 7 1/16” x 3 1/8” (18 cm x 8 cm)

This is one version, my version, of the twenty-dollar bill honouring Mrs. Harriet Tubman. The design of the real bill, the project carried out by the US Treasury Department, was to be unveiled to the public in 2020. The Trump administration halted the project when he was in office. I hope that the image chosen for the final version of the bill will portray her with the full dignity that she deserves.

More about  the unreleased conceptual design of a new $20 note

Tubman as visionary

Harriet Tubman was a visionary. She had the 20/20 vision that is unfortunately still necessary today.
The piece portrays scars upon scars – scarred skin, scarred earth, scarred society. The forest is a haven and an ally. Broken chains, crushed barbed wire, Northern stars, maps, bullets, teeth, tracks.
I used a blue ink for the night of the forest which I made with an indigo pigment grown in my village in France. The red was evident to scream out the words IN SHE WE TRUST. A COUNTRY TO BREATHE IN.
When I pulled the print, I could see the Union colors but this was not at all pre-meditated. The making of the entire piece was a visceral process for me and something that I felt I owed to her since my childhood.

Installation at Bradbury Art Museum

Tubman’s 20/20. Installation

Les Misérables

Les Misérables

2019, La Cave de l'Ours, MeyrarguesIn his work Les Misérables, Hugo speaks of finding light in the darkness in myriad symbolisms. I imagine his light in the darkness in ink on paper. Cristina García Ohrich speaks about this imagery. Aitor Araúz translates her to...

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Calamaronna, 2020

Calamaronna, 2020

2020, spotted at La Roque d'Anthéron, France during the confinement periodMixed media. Collagraph printmaking on polyurethene cereal bags that pollute the ocean, used materials found on-site and in the sea. Calamaronna : length 4 m x width 80 cm Calamarcita : length 2...

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Tikkun Olam, 2016

Tikkun Olam, 2016

Open Access Law Firm

Little Rock, US, 2016 

Created for the law office, this piece made of recycled cereal bags (HDPE) and Korean mulberry paper, or Hanji, that have been printed using intaglio (copper plate) and screen techniques. The collage of these, Japanese and found papers was achieved through sewing with silver and transparent threads on a Singer machine in Arkansas.

On-site installation

In the spirit of the kind of law services provided at Open Access Law, the work is named after an ancient rabbinic concept of Repairing the World, of seeking social justice. The large dimension scroll format, breaking with traditional framing methods, reinforces the underpinning concepts of the piece. The imagery evokes female figures of strength marching forward, barbed wire transformed from something limiting and hurtful to emboldened spirit banners hailing beauty and power, doorways as frameworks that provide structure for justice and law.

Les Misérables

Les Misérables

2019, La Cave de l'Ours, MeyrarguesIn his work Les Misérables, Hugo speaks of finding light in the darkness in myriad symbolisms. I imagine his light in the darkness in ink on paper. Cristina García Ohrich speaks about this imagery. Aitor Araúz translates her to...

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Calamaronna, 2020

Calamaronna, 2020

2020, spotted at La Roque d'Anthéron, France during the confinement periodMixed media. Collagraph printmaking on polyurethene cereal bags that pollute the ocean, used materials found on-site and in the sea. Calamaronna : length 4 m x width 80 cm Calamarcita : length 2...

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Les Misérables

Les Misérables

2019, La Cave de l’Ours, Meyrargues

In his work Les Misérables, Hugo speaks of finding light
in the darkness in myriad symbolisms.
I imagine his light in the darkness in ink on paper.
Cristina García Ohrich speaks about this imagery.
Aitor Araúz translates her to English.
Chantal Subias and María Bellido translate her into French.
The relay is complete.

Œuvres Exposées

La grande douleur est un rayon divin et terrible qui transfigure les misérables.
Celui qui sait cela voit toute l’ombre.
Il est seul. Il s’appelle Dieu.
“Les misérables”, Victor Hugo

To the human eye, light is but a beam between two shadows.
Light is only seen if it finds an object off which it can reflect.
We arrive at light through our own darkness.
In this series we are presented the deep darkness of a belly, for none other can give forth the light. Its full range of play is revealed: the pressing blast against a receding border, or the tentative ray over a sea dark as lead…
play – oscillation – pulse – rebalancing

A brushstroke emerges then alights and reveals how light can be shallow or bold—
We see overlapping layers of opacity, though they never quite smother the ray—
The ray IS – and it annihilates us but it also heightens us.

We face an ebb and flow of openings: they occur against a backdrop of denseness. Density and elevation: our soul, like the bird, has a belly and it has wings.
There are openings and there is occlusion; even the latter activates the light around it. The light will always reach us.
The shadows are a path and sometimes a flash of colour – ochre, blue or blood red – adds relief to the stretch we are about to traverse.

Relief – witness – averral: light is real to us because there is a shaded grief – because we move amongst our shadows. They light our way.
Depth – fear of the unknown, and suddenly a branch that hoists up hope.
Frisson and touch of the cold, of blind mourning – A LIVID PEACE.
The eye, the whole body feels this cold darkness – that reveals abyssal depths:
yet in the abyss there is movement – we fall and rise anew.
There is no darkness without light, and she finds expression in the underfolds of what torments us.

We discover Prometheuses bound in gloomy dungeons.
Cocoons – a refuge, perhaps only a figment of dreams
Hypnagogia – passageways between one world and another
Fingers, sabres that rattle and feint a direction… their jabs opening up a space for definition
Echoes in tune


Decomposing stains, a glaze that opens a door
Trails imprinted on our memory
Lines that someone wrote with a harsh pulse (we know they are unbreakable codes, cyphers)
alongside a fold that is the unconscious marking of the done deed; the dust it dragged along.
There is the illusion of the flash and the narrow opaque passageway.

In each image’s concatenation of visions, and across them all, there is a TIME that is dust and bone, a time nailed in space, time crucified – a PROCESSION between the outside and the inside and the WISDOM of she who decides to go no further – one intuits that understanding will come in due course.

Les Misérables

Les Misérables

2019, La Cave de l'Ours, MeyrarguesIn his work Les Misérables, Hugo speaks of finding light in the darkness in myriad symbolisms. I imagine his light in the darkness in ink on paper. Cristina García Ohrich speaks about this imagery. Aitor Araúz translates her to...

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Calamaronna, 2020

Calamaronna, 2020

2020, spotted at La Roque d'Anthéron, France during the confinement periodMixed media. Collagraph printmaking on polyurethene cereal bags that pollute the ocean, used materials found on-site and in the sea. Calamaronna : length 4 m x width 80 cm Calamarcita : length 2...

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Calamaronna, 2020

Calamaronna, 2020

2020, spotted at La Roque d’Anthéron, France during the confinement period

Mixed media. Collagraph printmaking on polyurethene cereal bags that pollute the ocean, used materials found on-site and in the sea.
Calamaronna : length 4 m x width 80 cm
Calamarcita : length 2 m x width 50 cm

Hors format – Wind art

The period of COVid confinement has allowed fauna to reclaim spaces normally inhabited by humans. Dolphins, rare species of birds and the like have returned to their former habitats.
A giant squid, “Calamaronna” and her baby “Calamarcito” have been sighted at la Roque d’Anthéron in the south of France 100 km inland from the Mediterranean Sea. Made entirely of waste materials and ink, they measure 4 metres and 2 meters for a surface total of over of 11 m2.

Pendant la période de confinement les animaux se sont réappropriés les espaces habités désormais par les êtres humains. Les dauphins, les espèces d’oiseaux rares etc., sont retournés à leurs anciens habitats.
Un calamar géant et son bébé ont été repérés dans le sud de la France, à 100 km de la côte méditerranéenne. Faits entièrement de déchets et d’encre, ils mesurent
4 m et 2 m pour plus de 11 m2.

The virus-crisis halted our flying. Nature thanked us for that but contradictions flew at us. I needed to show my daughter Emma that she was close to me, that I reached out to her with my mommy tentacles. I created Calamaronna. A free creature of the deep, molecules of unfathomable mystery. I spent hours, days months with her, sewing and listening, her cloak hooked over my arm like such a wedding dress with long train, she became infused with life. Her tentacles suctionning the legs of my work tables, lamps, sinks, she came into her own.
She even draws like me when her tentacles take flight in the wind.

Les Misérables

Les Misérables

2019, La Cave de l'Ours, MeyrarguesIn his work Les Misérables, Hugo speaks of finding light in the darkness in myriad symbolisms. I imagine his light in the darkness in ink on paper. Cristina García Ohrich speaks about this imagery. Aitor Araúz translates her to...

Calamaronna, 2020

Calamaronna, 2020

2020, spotted at La Roque d'Anthéron, France during the confinement periodMixed media. Collagraph printmaking on polyurethene cereal bags that pollute the ocean, used materials found on-site and in the sea. Calamaronna : length 4 m x width 80 cm Calamarcita : length 2...

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